As you may know, Kilpeck Church is internationally renowned for its unique Romanesque sculpture. We are about to embark on a very expensive roof and internal wall restoration project.
Fortunately this is the first major repair that we have had to undertake in nearly 50 years. Sadly, the popular impression is that we are a very rich church due to the many visitors we get. However, our annual income is insufficient to help pay for our minister and annual maintenance (£300 per week), so we have to call on our reserves.
We are looking to raIse £30,000, which will hopefully be matched by grants and reserves, which will be seriously depleted.
Please may we ask you to consider donating as generously as you feel you can, so that we may preserve this very special church for generations to come.
You can donate either in the church, or online using the link below.
Click here to Donate
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